Friday, March 19, 2010

Confessions of a dead girl 5

5. Diary Entry 2: On people

I've been such a fool to trust people again and again. People are by default, since they're not perfect, imperfect and they DO NOT deserve to be given chances, not second, not third, not ever. Why then, do I have to make the same fucking mistake as ever of trusting them again and loving them and keep on doing so no matter how many times life gives me hints not to and however many times I've gotten hurt and cried and ached for fools? Why is it like I've sworn not to listen to any part of me that makes sense?

But I'm changing and there'll be a day I'll stop loving everyone. I'd love my life as a misanthrope. People are just people. Full of crap. Just like me.

To be continued...

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