Monday, April 5, 2010

Tile #2

in winters,
swiftly, before it's known
it gets dark
the cold creeps in,
windows to the world
are shut and latched
and it's quieter.
orange quilts and socks,
smelling perennially of winter to me,
in soups I do not like
peppered and hot.

in the dead of the nights,
the littlest of things carried so far,
cell phone vibrations
and smiles,
tinny whines of earphones,
and chilled fingers
warmed over lemony mugs
taking in the vapor,

if I open a pane
of the shut windows
the cold air numbs out the smells.
late winter, though
smells of newer life to come
and of hopeful soil


  1. Wow .... dats real cool .... its almost lik revisiting da best season of da year ....... especially I just luv winters !!

  2. My best part of winter (my personal favourite season) is the food!
    Such yum delicious dishes I could never dream of anytime other than in winter. And the best part is, its home made!
    Well written once again dear!

  3. @Blue2morrow,
    I wasn't this big a fan of winters.. but then after moving out of home, I've become really nostalgic. :(

    My favourite part was just staying at home. Miss my home! :'(

    Oh, and thanks all!

  4. Yaa thr seemed a bit of nostalgia in the vivid description u gave.....
    Its juss da same feelin v all get at sum point
    I prefer writin more abt da pleasant memories at such times :)

  5. Hmm.. I try to think of the positive things too. But I miss all things, good and bad, when I feel lonely..
    thanks for commenting! :)

  6. That was just beautiful, i could feel the chill of winter through your words, made me long for it!

  7. Thank you! I'm glad my words could do that.

  8. I love the part of the winters where I just can't seem to wake up every morning!

    'Freezing' poem! Made me reminisce of the season right now!

  9. D2, I miss winters so much at the moment too! Not waking up, and dozing off under blankets, the welcome sun.. yumm!
