Sunday, April 4, 2010

A love cum apology letter

It's old and slow and can be tiresome at times, loads of times in fact. It's slow in opening windows and almost always hangs when I click on too many things at the same time. Music files take ages to play if there are things burdening the already-burdened system. Ah, and when there's an anti virus running in the background, I can take naps in between browsing. It takes time to stabilize itself after booting, like getting turned on left it woozy and dizzy. Programs like photoshop, I have long left installing those. It's too much for my sweetie to take.
And yet, today, I feel such love for it. I love my lappy, even though it's old and slow and has to be formatted ever so often. I love it's big, giant bulk beside me in bed every night- yes I sleep with it. I adore it's matt, black cover and tracing the logo with my fingers. Oh, I feel so affectionate today!

My dear, dear lappy,
Darling lappy, you gave me the love of my life, and so much knowledge about the world. I've created so much through you, I've evolved and grown through you as the years passed. I've learnt to be patient, and life-values like how to format computers and exactly how to treat them so that they don't hang. Over the past three years, you've been, intermittently on and off, yet, with me. What would I do without you? I'm so grateful for all you've given with just a few grumbles.
You're really one mighty old thing. And you're mine!
I'm sorry for cursing you like I do, calling you useless and old and a sloth bear. I don't intend to do that ever again, because, sweetheart, I love you! And we don't leave things when they grow old and need our care, do we? So, I'll be careful with you. I'll not uproot your keys like I once did. Won't drop water on you, twist your charger, or drop you off my bed. You have full rights to sleep there too. And I'll turn you off when I'm done. I will not mistreat you ever again. I promise!
Stay with me, old guy. I love you, and I mean it. <3


  1. Good to see that you've begun caring for it!
    I am ecstatic on behalf of your lappy!

  2. Yeah, being the considerate and loving person I am! :D
    I'm happy for it, and us, too!

  3. he he.. thoroughly enjoyed it.. :)
